Hello, I’m Jessica from Andrew Wommack Ministries. Lately our Ministers’ conference has gained attention in the news and we wanted to give you an inside look at all of the precautions that we have taken to help protect both our guests and the community of Woodland Park.
With only one entrance onto our Charis Bible College Property, our first line of defense against COVID-19 are the mandatory temperature checks and health questions given to everyone entering the property.
Once the party has passed screening and confirmed they are free of COVID-19 symptoms, they are guided to a specific parking location. Utilizing our parking lot and parking garage, our guests, students, and staff all park in separate areas as a way to encourage social distancing.
From their designated parking spot, we have implemented one-way pedestrian traffic flows upon entering and exiting which means that our guests, students, and staff each used different entrances to our building.
We have posted signs on all our entrances and on the doors to the auditorium encouraging preventative measures such as social distancing and masks. In the building our employees, volunteers and students are required to wear masks. The signs ask our guests to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Throughout the building, we have numerous hand sanitation stations encouraging everyone present to clean their hands as often as possible.
All surfaces and bathrooms are sanitized on a frequent basis, and the bathrooms themselves are zoned to separate guests, students and staff.
Inside our auditorium, which normally seats over 3,000 people, we have blocked off every other row and our ushers request that guests allow two seats between families. We here at Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College are blessed to be a part of Teller County, and we have given you this inside look at our facility so you can see some of the measures we have taken to protect the health of our guests and the town of Woodland Park.
Charis Bible College’s Mandatory Health and Safety Protocols
As COVID-19 poses unprecedented obstacles to our operations, we wanted to give you an inside look on the precautions we have taken to ensure the safety of our students and staff, while giving them a quality educational experience.
When we started our fall semester we required every student from out of town to quarantine for two weeks before arriving on campus, and even then, we rigorously examined the health of each individual: a practice that we enforce daily.
A typical day for our students begins at the main gate where they receive a temperature check and health screening. Should anyone show signs of illness they are required to leave the property and advised to be tested for Corona Virus.
To promote social distancing, students and staff are required to park in different areas where we have set up paths for 1-way foot traffic. When leaving their car and entering the building, all students and staff are required to wear their masks for the entirety of the day, with the exception of when they are, eating, drinking, or seated at over 6 ft apart in the classroom.
Each student is assigned to a cohort that we call ‘teams,’ and every class has between 50-100 of these groups. Each of these teams must follow social distancing guidelines and intermingling between groups is not permitted.
Should one member of a team show symptoms of COVID-19, the whole group is immediately sent home to quarantine for 14 days. Another situation that requires a two-week quarantine is if a student travels out of state to an area considered a ‘hotspot’ for COVID.
Restrooms are separated between our 1st, 2nd and 3rd year classes, with staff permitted to use the facilities in the southwest part of the building. All restrooms, doors, and surfaces are cleaned on a regular basis and sanitization stations are available throughout our campus.
While we have seen great success from these precautions Charis sees the safety of our students as top priority. For those in our student body considered ‘at risk’ due to health or age, we have recommended that they either take their class online or simply defer a year.
We here at Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College consider it an honor to be a part of Teller County. Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, we are thankful that we have been able to provide a safe environment for our students and staff while also delivering a quality educational experience.
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