Endtime-Army Evangelical Movement

This movement has the mandate of combing the campuses and the rural communities with the simple Gospel of our Lord Jesus, and to demonstrate the power thereof to rout the devil of his captives, bring souls back to their savior, reconcile the people and their lands to Christ and eventually raise more end-time armies from amongst them.

Target: Raising an end-time army for the massive harvesting of souls for God’s kingdom.

We achieve these through campus and street outreaches, rural-rugged crusades, church and community revivals, massive evangelism with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the demonstration of His power.

The early apostles started the race with a simple message the crucified and resurrected Christ. With this message, they wrought many miracles, raised the dead, healed the sick, but the devil where he belongs broke every stronghold, brought down every satanic wall, saved millions of souls, got them baptized in the Holy Spirit, and discipled them. These men understood one thing;

The cross is the power of God to save. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God. 1 Cor. 1:18 NIV.

They understood that the Cross is the burial ground of the devil. They understood that everything that man would ever need has been purchased by Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

They knew and operated their righteousness in Christ through faith. And be found in him, not having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith,” Phil 3:9KJV. With this, they were as bold as a lion (Prov. 28:1), they confronted and defeated the forces of hell.

The recovery army which will also finish the race shall be like the Joel chapter 2 army. They shall only achieve this with the knowledge and demonstration of the power of the simple message of the Cross.

The end time army is a recovery army with the mandate to:

• open the blind eyes,

• bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison-house,

• recover the lost souls,

• introduce the people to their God, and introduce God to his people with evidence,

• take over the different mountains of the society,

• Pursue and fulfill their God-given visions/purpose/assignments with none breaking their ranks, and with the knowledge and the demonstration of the power of the cross.

Endtime Army Evangelical movement comprises young men and women who are on fire for God and rugged soul winners. They are great and strong, bold, knowledgeable, firebrands, carrying God’s presence and power, full of might and ready for battle any day, any time. They are ready to pursue their life’s vision. Every one of them is equipped to fulfill his/her assignment, none breaking their rank.


Our Vision

Endtime-Army Evangelical moment is the evangelical arm of Gallabeth Ministries International.