Total Woman

Raising women who are full of God and balance.
Helping young women discover and fulfill their God-given purpose in life and to maximize their full potentials on earth. The world is full of downcast and broken women who cannot find their feet in life. In Total Woman, they’re mended and made useful for God’s purpose.
Empowering women via teachings and skill-based programs in high schools, higher institutions, local communities, nations, churches, organizations, etc.
- For Capacity building
- To attain inner peace irrespective of life’s circumstances
- To understand the concept of balance as regards the pursuit of their well-being, career, callings and other pursuits, as well as their marriages, homes and other precious relationships. Many have wrecked all while pursuing a course in life.
Through our Total Woman programs and projects, we have created a platform where many young women are trained spiritually to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. These are warrior princesses, end-time armies; God’s mobile altars who have laid down their emotions at the feet of Jesus, allowing Him to heal them and use them for mighty works in God’s kingdom.
The concept of Total Woman stems from our understanding that we are complete in Christ (Colossians 2: 10)
We are Total and Whole in Him. All that Jesus did on the cross delivered womanhood from bondage, curses, emotional imbalances, pains, and all forms of limitations placed on her.
It’s not our achievements or position in life that make us Total. Our totality and completeness is rooted in Christ (His finished work on the cross, that’s where our glory lies)
That’s why when circumstances try to speak otherwise, we remind them that our completeness and totality is not man/material/earthly – made. It springs from Christ who is the head of all principalities and powers. Therefore, those circumstances have to bow to Him.
This enables us to rise when we fall, smile when we should cry, look young, and flourishing when we should be moody, frustrated, and angry.
From this perspective and standing on this revelation, we call forth those things that be not as though they be.